Friday, October 10, 2008

Freedom and its choices

Freedom, it’s a nice word but we use it to say that we are free from something. Real freedom is based off of choice that we make. I will go back to the story of Adam and Eve.

God gave Adam and Eve freedom to make a Choice on what they were going to do in the Garden of Eden. He told them not to eat of a Tree of good and evil. This was a rightful choice and he warned them if they would eat of the tree they shall surely die. Do we listen to Warnings? No we don’t. We think that we know better than God. So we get snared into thinking that it wont harm us. The Devil the great deceiver let us to think that just try this cigarette or just take this sip of alcohol. Look at me he says I am not dead. Then the devil lies and tells us that God is trying to prevent us from taking this apple because it would enhance our lives. Well we do it and it ending up costing us not instant death but eternity.

I feel the same way about drugs and alcohol. What enhancement does it to do our lives? First it gets us addicted to substances that now we have to take that substance in order to gain normality in our lives. It threatens our lively hood with Christ. That substance becomes more like a God to us. We have to smoke it or drink it on a regular bases. We have a hard problem stopping it because it has taken over out lives.

So what is the Big deal with smoking anyway? If you are a smoker there is no big deal, because this is your substance and you will die doing it. So that might not be a problem for you. It makes you happy even those it kills you in the long run. This is a personal price you pay for that addiction. Trying to stop is hard because of withdrawals and side effects. Some people today wish they would of never started smoking.

I want to say to all those smokers. Star a new addiction to Christ. This addiction does not have a side effect or withdrawal Symptoms it also make sure that you have an ever-lasting life.

How do you get started with this habit? Start picking it up immediately by getting into his word. I suggest getting a pastor to help you get started, you might find out that its better than the drug because you can take it with you were ever you go. Start lighting you life up with its renewal of Gods spirit in your life. I know you will never regret starting this addiction because it would be an enhancement in your life.

God hated Divorce – He Loves you anyway.

God hated Divorce – He Loves you anyway.

I do not want to divorce my wife but I have not because God wants me too. God does not want me to divorce because it deals with the Harding of our hearts.

When I was thinking about divorcing my wife I was thinking about 2 different things. How it would affect the kids and how would it affect our lives.

Divorce is a stab in the heart of Married people. It says that the person you choose to be with for the rest of there life will change. Now a new person has to be involved in the lives of 2 people that were once together.

I want to take total responsibility in this divorce. My sinful life has brought this turmoil unto myself. I chose my wife as a wife out of my own selfish nature. I could have thought about things clearly but I did not. I hope the best for her.

My wife’s goal was not divorce; she wanted to be married to a loving husband that will give her unconditional love. She wanted a person would chose to not care what she says our does and give her freedom.

When I met my wife I had a feeling that it might come to this point in our lives because I was the one trying so hard to be in this relationship. Reason for it is sex, love and companionship. I did not like the abuse; I did not like the emotional hurt. I did not care for the evil that was involved in the marriage,

My wife’s goal I felt at first was always to change me, and looking back at the past if felt change was based on how she feels a person should act or feel. When I did no change for her she got angry and began to resent that she ever married me. I think she was unaware that I was unhappy these years because I wanted a family and wanted her but I did not want the issues that were related to her anger and baggage of her past.

When I was first separated from my wife in 2007 I began to see how much I miss her. We were not married a long time. I wanted to not file for divorce at the time because I thought that I could make it work. I wanted her back because of several reasons. I wanted to be part of my 4 kid’s life and I thought that if I was still married I can spend time with them more. Sex was great and I enjoyed it. I thought we had sexual chemistry because we enjoyed each other sexually and third she made me feel loved when it was not an abusive situation.

I understand more of what I did wrong and how much my wife and I were not much of a couple but were people with issues. She was trying to make me into something I could not be and I was trying to make her into something she could not be. My personal view of being together for Kids sake was not a good value. Kids need a mother and father but a health one and the kids never had to psychologically health people taking care of them.

I was not a good role model for my kids. I have just showed them the way of dealing with your problems is to run away from them. I did not know how to solve the issue s in my marriage without escaping from it first. Now I has escaped and started reading about good marriages I understand that we did not have a good marriage.

My wife and I did not know how to make our marriage a success. We were self-centered on our personal desires in the relationship. I want this and I want that mentality. I felt that we began to personalize things such as this is what I am doing and it does not involve you. This made us feel as though we need to hide our emotions from each other.

My wife had quit smoking for a while and she began to see me being happy but the nicotine addiction was so over powering for her that she just could not stop. I could not help her because I was dealing with my work alcoholic issues.

The reason I was working so much was because I could not be at home and deal with her abuse or smoking. I felt that it was affecting my life, because of how I valued the relationship.

Codependence is what they call it. Letting a person do what ever they want and instead of them dealing with the consequence of there addiction or problems, you hamper them. My wife felt that when I said no to her not smoking was a form of abuse. In her eyes she can do what ever she wants and it should not affect anyone. People need to just live with her no matter what she does, me being a non-smoker and drinker and not caring to do it. It mattered to me but I could not express how it made me feel at times. Now I can say that the times she did do the smoking it felt as if she was slapping me in the face and telling me that she has no value in our lives together. Its like watching a person stab themselves you know its wrong and you know it needs to stop but the person that is doing the stabbing does not care. They say that it does not hurt but even thought you see blood, but in there mind it is what they need to get over the issues they are having.

I know that I could not solve her issues but by leaving. I cannot change the issues that she had to deal with such as struggles with smoking and alcohol.

I am glad that even because I left this marriage, God Still loves me.